Carolyn Osborn

What are the mystical symbolisms of a Frog?

What are the mystical symbolisms of a Frog?

There are many profound spiritual lessons we can learn from the frog. Carolyn Osborn of Chiron Energy Medicine shares insights about their many symbolic meanings throughout world cultures. She offers practical ways to benefit from bringing their lessons into our daily lives for health, transformation, renewal, abundance, and much more.

Getting to know your pets

Getting to know your pets

When choosing a new pet, people often say it was love at first sight. But what do you truly know about your pet as you begin the journey of living together? Carolyn Osborn has an extraordinary gift and skills to communicate with pets and discover what they need you to know. She lists 12 key things to consider, whether your pet comes from either a shelter or a breeder, and this will help you ease the way for yourself and your animal.

How you can increase the bond between you and your horse

How you can increase the bond between you and your horse

You love your horse, but does it ever seem like you are on different planets energetically? This can happen when you are out of sorts not just with each other, but with yourself. Horses are highly sensitive, and you can help them feel safe and secure with you, which deepensyour bond. Carolyn gives you 6 tips to get you started using energy medicine to assist.

How Our Pets Can Mirror and Protect Us

How Our Pets Can Mirror and Protect Us

How do our pets mirror us? Carolyn Osborn explains what her energy work with pets and people has revealed as people seek to understand their animals. She knows that communication goes both ways, and that our animals have many healing messages they want us to receive from them. She distills her expertise into 8 easy-to-follow tips that help us with this very important need and opportunity to connect.

Are we too harsh with our aging pets?

Are we too harsh with our aging pets?

Pets are living longer, and that is wonderful. Yet it does mean we need to adjust our expectations and learn how to live with older animals. We may even adopt a gaining animal with needs that will change more quickly than we realize. The better we understand their physical, emotional, eating, activity and health needs, the more love we can give and receive. Carolyn Osborn shares what to watch for and how to understand our beloved elder pets.

How the Quantum Observer Effect can help you learn simply by Observing

How the Quantum Observer Effect can help you learn simply by Observing

The Observer Effect is similar to what happens in a prayer group, where the group focuses its energy, love and prayers onto a specific person who is having some form of health or physical challenge. Studies have confirmed how powerful Prayer groups are. This is one of several reasons why group sessions and our new Chiron events are so powerful.

The Mystical Elements of the Dragon

The Mystical Elements of the Dragon

Many cultures, ancient and modern, believe that the circumstances of your birth bring either auspicious or challenging patterns of energy. (Sometimes both!) The Chinese consider the year of your brith to be very telling. 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, a rare combination. Carolyn Osborn summarizes many key qualities attributed to the Wood Dragon, among them power, wisdom and prosperity; so take note for your highest good, and Happy New Year!

Helping your pet heal from past trauma

Helping your pet heal from past trauma

Shelter pets or adopted strays show so much trust when we choose to make them family members.. But they very often have stories of pain and difficulty that they cannot tell us. Even their rescuers or shelter staff usually do not know all they endured. Behaviors that we think will be simple to solve can signal something deep and overwhelming in an animal’s past. They need our care and loving patience to learn there is new life for them outside their painful past. Carolyn Osborn offers practical, holistic tips for this journey of trust that make it easier for you and your pet.