How Our Pets Can Mirror and Protect Us

In the bond between humans and animals, your furry companions often serve as mirrors, reflecting your innermost thoughts, emotions, and energies. Drawing upon their innate intuition, animals possess a remarkable ability to sense and protect you from unseen dangers.

Your animals perceive the world through instincts and intuition, relying on their heightened senses to navigate their environment. With their keen awareness, they can detect subtle shifts in energy and detect potential threats long before you do. But how can you harness these instincts for yourself? Here are a few ways to help:

1.   Observe Your Pet's Behavior by paying attention to their body language. How are they reacting? Are their ears perked up? Are they intently staring at something that doesn’t seem to be there? Do they run into another room for no reason? These can be signs that are trying to tell you something.

2.   Trust Your Gut and your intuition by tuning into how you feel. Is the hair all over your body standing on end? Do you feel a presence even though nothing seems to be there? Your intuition serves as a powerful guide in navigating life's complexities and making informed decisions.

3.   Embrace Mindfulness with techniques that allow you to be present in the moment and aware of your surroundings. By staying grounded in the present, you can better interpret intuitive signals from both you and your pet.

4.   Deepen Your Bond with your pet through shared experiences and quality time together. The deeper your connection, the more attuned you become to each other's needs and energies.

Many times, your pets are aware of what is going on with your mood way before you are. When you are in tune with your pet you will notice subtle signs of behavior or mood swings that you are experiencing. Your pets can feel your emotions long before you can, and if you are paying close attention to how they are acting or reacting, you may be able to put some things in place to help you counteract that mood or emotion.

Here are a few ways to help you resolve those feelings before they become an issue.

1.   Take some time to be still and quiet. Feel the emotions in your gut. Now imagine these emotions running from your mind and body like water flowing through a faucet out through your feet or root chakra. Imagine these emotions leaving your body and mind.

2.   Write down how you feel and why. Not sure what the why is? Make a list of all the things that you experienced today. Now circle those that made you feel despondent, hurt, or mad. Once you know why, you can start to release your day.

3.   Make sure those feelings are really yours, and you are not taking them on from someone else.

4.   Spend time with your pet allowing them to cuddle with you. It’s amazing how quickly your mood begins to change as you allow your pet to comfort you.

Keep these handy so that when you find yourself in a mood, you have a place to start allowing you to get rid of the emotions and have a better day. However, if you feel you may need some extra help with this, I invite you to get in touch with me, Carolyn Osborn of Chiron Energy Medicine.

Here’s to better days with the help of your pet.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

P.S. This blog aligns directly with next event detailed in the special announcement below: April 13th Event . All are invited to attend each event with any issue you and your animal may be experiencing. In addition, each month will include a highlighted theme. April's highlighted theme is : Trauma Issues with Adoption, New Pets or Family.

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Special Announcement:

We are pleased to introduce to you a groundbreaking new way to experience energy healing remotely (via Zoom) with our Chiron Observer Effect • Group Energy Events.

We are all connected not just energetically, but quantumly through what’s known as “entanglement”. This means we are NOT separate even though physically it may appear so. This also explains how we are intrinsically connected with our animals on all levels as well. 

LEARN MORE here about the benefits available to you and your animal.

Our next event is on April 13th. Registration is open now with a generous introductory discount.

Other dates and subscription options have just opened up as well. You can secure special introductory discounts in 2024.

Alf you have any questions I have not addressed her or int he linked info about this opportunity, you are cordially welcome to reach out to me directly..

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A free resource for you:

Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

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