How the Quantum Observer Effect can help you learn simply by Observing

You may be asking yourself, “What the heck is the Quantum Observer Effect?” This is when you are part of a group as an observer, yet you benefited from the shared group experience. The Observer Effect is similar to what happens in a prayer group, where the group focuses its energy, love and prayers, onto a specific person who is having some form of health or physical challenge. By Observing and focusing a prayer of love and support, a new outcome can be created for the person in need. That energy is also shared with everyone in the group. Studies have confirmed how powerful Prayer groups are. And this is one of the reasons why group sessions are so powerful.

Even though you may not be the focus of a particular group healing, you will also take in the healing energy that is right for you, if that is appropriate. You may walk away from the session with a key tip and good energy to help you resolve life issues you may be experiencing right now, personally, or with your animal.

Something magical happens energetically in group sessions when people share, including the following:

  • A sense of community and belonging.

  • A support system where you can share in a safe space.

  • Feeling accepted and not the only one experiencing that issue.

  • The ability to gain new perspectives on your own issues.

  • Coming up with keyways to resolve your own issues based on the energy and solutions shared.

During these group energy events is when you get some of the best tips and energy on how to enhance your own or your pet’s life. Some feel they learn more by simply listening. Keep in mind that it is still very beneficial for yourself and those of the group when you share as well.

Speaking of group energy and healing, have you checked out my new monthly online Chiron Observer Effect – Group Energy Events for both you and your animal? I invite you to check it out and see how this can help you and your pet. [link]

Here’s to learning and getting key life solutions by simply listening.

Carolyn Osborn

Special Announcement:

We are pleased to introduce to you a groundbreaking new way to experience energy healing remotely (via Zoom) with our Chiron Observer Effect • Group Energy Events.

We are all connected not just energetically, but quantumly through what’s known as “entanglement”. This means we are NOT separate even though physically it may appear so. This also explains how we are intrinsically connected with our animals on all levels as well. 

LEARN MORE here about the benefits available to you and your animal.

Our next event is on March 9th. Registration is open now with a generous introductory discount.

If March id nor possible for you, April 13th has just opened up as well.

Alf you have any questions I have not addressed her or int he linked info about this opportunity, you are cordially welcome to reach out to me directly..

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A free resource for you:

Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

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