The Woodpecker and all its glory - what can we learn?

When you hear rat a tat tat in the woods or your backyard, most likely it can be the woodpecker pecking at a tree. But when you look at the symbolism this bird portrays it can be an enlightening story.

What’s more, what can we learn from this fascinating bird that can be implemented in our lives? First, we need to look at the woodpecker's traits.

  • These lively birds are persistent and always hard at work.

  • Their unique drumming sound has quite the rhythm and it seems to almost harmonize with nature.

  • They provide a strong home for their families that keeps them safe from the elements of nature.

  • The woodpecker never worries about fitting in. It’s in their nature to stand out and show their true colors, so to speak.

  • The woodpecker will ferociously protect its home and family from predators ensuring they thrive.

  • The woodpecker is closely associated with opportunity and new possibilities. It can inspire you to seize your desires and never give up on your dreams.

  • Other traits associated with the woodpecker are creativity, optimism, courage, protection, and self-actualization. 

The spiritual side of the woodpecker and the meanings that ensue can tell us a lot about ourselves, especially if one presents itself to you in the wild. In many cultures, the meaning of seeing a woodpecker can vary— from the Navajo’s belief in harmony, balance, beauty, and health— to the Ojibwe tribe, who believe in the spiritual growth and guidance the woodpecker spirit brings forth.

Whatever your belief, we can certainly gain much wisdom from the woodpecker and its abilities and attributes:

  • Persistence and never giving up can help us to get what we want out of life. The key is knowing and recognizing if you are on the right path.

  • Hold on to a sense of optimism and open up your creativity in all you do.

  • Hard work matters, and goes almost without saying. When you put in the work, you truly reap the rewards in everything you do, often in surprising ways.

  • We all work to provide a strong base and core for our families and home life. As the saying goes, “A home is only as strong as its foundation.”

  • Many of us worry about fitting in or what others may think of us. When you believe in yourself, and your abilities, is when your true self emerges represented by the strong presence of the woodpecker.

Many believe that if you see a woodpecker after someone you love passes away, it simply means the woodpecker is looking for their soul to escort to the afterlife. What a wonderful representation of the passing of a loved one knowing that they will find their way thanks to the woodpecker.

Birds are considered spiritual beings known to carry messages, wishes, and prayers from the grounded world into the spiritual world. Imagine what message the woodpecker may be taking into the spiritual life for you.

Here’s to new beginnings, thanks to the woodpecker.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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P.S. Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

Other resources for you:

Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.

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