Learn from the rabbit on how to come out of the shadows of fear.

Depending on who you ask and what you read, the symbolism of rabbits can vary. In many cultures, the rabbit is about fear, longevity, creativity, compassion, intuition, and good luck, thus the reason many people lookto the rabbit for luck. However, what many don’t realize is the rabbit is the most powerful symbol representing overcoming hardship. If you think about this for a moment, it makes perfect sense. Even though the rabbit is the most hunted food source they can overcome hardship more than any other animal and are very stealthy at hiding.

Rabbits also have some additional rich symbolic meaning for people. They can represent humility, fertility, compassion, and altruism. Humanity, itself often short on altruism, sees the rabbit as a teacher who models for us, the self-sacrifice that ensures the survival of the greater community as a whole.

Some cultures even see rabbits as having a natural affinity with the Moon, known as a feminine energy archetype.

Let’s look at the traits the rabbit presents that we can use for ourselves to overcome and prosper.

  • Longevity

  • Ability to escape quickly

  • Excellent survival instincts

  • Great at sensing danger

  • Can hide better than any other animal

  • Adapt and can thrive on change

  • Fertility gives it the ability to recover as a species from threats to its survival

  • Altruism to sacrifice individual will for the good of the community

  • Lunar symbolism that flows in flexibility, even turning misfortune around by remaining open to new good fortune

Now how can these traits help you do better or live a longer and healthier life?

When you look at the rabbit they are always evolving and adapting to their surroundings. This is the number one reason why rabbits do so well in the wild. They are always alert and trust their instincts when danger is near allowing them to live another day. But how can this help you in your life? Let’s look at each trait and how you can improve your life.

  • You can live a long fulfilling life if you allow yourself to let go of the one thing that many times holds you back – FEAR. When you learn to let go of the FEAR in your life is when you can truly evolve into a life filled with prosperity and joy.

  • What you resist will persist! What your fear most is what you will become.  Rabbit can help get you out of this pattern.

  • When you tap into your instinctual senses and altruistic impulses, they can allow you to move quickly and make better decisions. The key is, are you listening to your inner guidance.

  • Many of us tend to hide behind our FEARs or doubts which are images in our mind that we have put there due to previous experiences. When you learn to come out of the darkness of fear is when you can see life much clearer allowing you to thrive.

There is also one trait that stands up to be highlighted: abundance. Rabbits can reproduce over and over more than any other animal in the wild. Their devotion to their family represents a love like no other, thus the reason so many love the rabbit. They are playful and a loving part of our world.

We have many reasons to celebrate the rabbit especially for those born in the year of the rabbit Jan 22, 2023 – February 9, 2024. According to the Chinese Zodiac this year represents longevity – positivity – cleverness – hope – and long life. They also believe that those born in the year of the rabbit are natural leaders.

As you can see you can learn to overcome your fears, can adapt to any change, open yourself to the ability to tap into your instincts, and become the leader you are truly meant to be.

Live with less fear and enjoy your life.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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P.S. Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

Other resources for you:

Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.