How can balancing my energy help me be healthier and happier?

All of life is made up of energy. Plants, animals, and people all use energy to help them manage life, whether you see it or not, it does exist. But before you can tap into your energy you need to understand exactly what this is and clean it up so it can work at its best.

Essentially, we are made up of several layers of energy bodies, that get more and more dense the closer they are to us, with the physical body being the most dense. The others consist of the emotional, mental, spiritual, and causal bodies moving outward from the body. Those bodies are where we store and carry old memories, traumas, emotions, etc., and are what can create a disturbance in the Force (to use a culturally popular phrase!) of our energetic self. Even though you may not be able to see this “force” you can feel it. Many times, this energy will come into play when you pay attention to your intuition, or you may experience old memories that don’t make sense.

But how do you shift this energy so that you can balance and recalibrate your body to become a much healthier, even happier, you? The following tips may help.

  • Some form of regular energy clearing or balancing to remove old energies, beliefs, and patterns from your body/mind.

  • Belief in Yourself ~ You can best support your energy field if you become aware of thenegative thoughts about yourself or life and get assistance to change those patterns and behaviors.

  • Letting Go ~ If you find either people, events, thoughts, or things in your life that are not serving you well it’s best to let it go.

  • A Higher Power ~ Sometimes it may be hard to do this alone. This is why you may want to call in greater expertise and skill such as an Energy Practitioner.

You may be thinking to yourself, “These are great, but how do I get myself there if I’m having a hard time just getting out of bed?” I realize that this may not happen overnight. It may take weeks or months to learn how to truly shift old habits, but by getting assistance and support, you start one day at a time— know that you can do it with a bit of patience. What can you do now to get started? Try these.

1.    Start a meditation and conscious breathing routine to get in touch with your inner and Higher Self. Becoming aware of your blocks and patterns is the first big step. Get someone to help you get started.

2.    Write it down. Many times, when you write events or feelings, and emotions down it can help you release the negative emotions and depleting energy that go along with these events.

3.    What’s an Energy Practitioner? Look no further for this. I’m an active Energy Medicine Practitioner and can help you access the value in releasing many of your negative thoughts and emotional triggers. This can be very beneficial and address issues on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – since you need to clear all levels to make truly lasting change and healing.

Now that you know the what and the how it will be up to you to act upon these steps. When you continually practice the above steps, it can help you gain a clearer and healthier energy source that you can tap into daily for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

If you need that extra help, get in touch with me.

Here’s to your energy shining brightly for good health and emotional wellness.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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P.S. Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

Other resources for you:

Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.