Chiron Mirror Program  • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal . Package of 4

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Mandala Chiron and Chakras Sq wChiron PackagesRev.png

Chiron Mirror Program  • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal . Package of 4



Energy Healing between You and Your Animal

Discover what your animal is bringing to your awareness through their behavior and habits to help facilitate a deep healing for you both.

PROGRAM TIMING is 4 Sessions @ 50 mins each, conducted via Zoom.

Choice of 2 options

Focused Care (Every 2 weeks over 2 months)

Identify & Initiate Focused Chiron Mirror Program with a Daily or Weekly Routine

Acute Care (Every 1 week over 1 month)

Excellent to Identify stuck energy and emotions, core beliefs, physical and/or behavioral issues to include in your Chiron Mirror Program

(Optimal timing for completion is listed for each purchase, maximum 6 months.)


NOTE: Each session may blend a unique combination of the following elements, based on the dynamics and expectations in place with you and your animal:

Session 1 : Identity Concerning Habits, Behaviors, and Messages between You and Your Animal

Session 2 : Distinguish Energy Healing Goals and Needs for You and Your Animal

Session 3 : Establish New Practices and Monitor Progress

Session 4 : Completion with Energy Tune Up & Ask Anything


Concerns may center on behaviors such as these and others, which can signal deeper issues which your animal is bringing into focus for you both.

  • Eating problems such as indigestion, newly picky, or refusing to eat at all.

  • Abnormal patterns with animal pee or poop, plus difficulty doing either. Appearing to “act out” or ignore prior training.

  • Excessive licking of paws, patches of fur, or other body areas

  • Vomiting after eating or upsets (upsets that either you or they experience emotionally or physically)

  • Whining or cowering away from you, other people, or other animals

  • Aggressive growling or vocalizing toward you, other people, or other animals

  • Destructive behavior, such as gnawing, shredding or eating non-food items and your possessions that are not their regular toys

  • Clingy or over-sensitive behavior that signals upset or frustration

  • Emotional issues that may be hard to identify since both animals and people tend to cover or suppress these. May include betrayal, abandonment, trauma, obsessive protective behavior

  • General lethargy, tiredness, or disinterest in daily activities or customary play

  • Identify issues that may surface that would best be pursued with veterinary or medical support beyond the use of energy medicine and these sessions.

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